“Open Economy Dynamics in a Floating Exchange Rate Developing Country Context” (with David Hudgins), International Trade Journal, forthcoming, 2018.
"Evaluating South African Fiscal and Monetary Policy Tradeoffs Using a Wavelet-Based Model" (with David Hudgins), South African Journal of Economics, forthcoming, 2018. "What causes business cycles to elongate, or recessions to intensify?" (with Andrew Hughes Hallett), Journal of Macroeconomics, Vol 57, pp338-349, September 2018. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmacro.2018.06.010
“Stress-Testing US Macroeconomic Policy: A Computational Approach Using Stochastic and Robust Designs in a Wavelet-Based Optimal Control Framework” (with David Hudgins), Computational Economics, forthcoming, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10614-018-9820-y
“What is the right balance between US monetary and fiscal policy? Explorations using simulated wavelet-based optimal tracking control” (with David Hudgins), Empirical Economics, forthcoming, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00181-017-1326-2
“Wavelet-Based Monetary and Fiscal Policy in the Euro Area Under Optimal Tracking Control” (with David Hudgins), Journal of Policy Modelling, forthcoming, April 2017. Available here:http://authors.elsevier.com/sd/article/S0161893817300078 Supplemental appendix can be downloaded here: Appendix
“Correlations between Macroeconomic Cycles in the US and UK: What Can a Frequency Domain Analysis Tell Us?” (with Andrew Hughes Hallett), Italian Economic Journal, Vol 2, No 1, pp5-29, 2016.
“Fiscal Policy Tracking Design in the Time-Frequency Domain Using Wavelet Analysis” (with David Hudgins), Economic Modeling, Vol 51, pp502-14, 2015.
“Great moderation or ‘Will o’ the Wisp’? A time-frequency decomposition of GDP for the US and UK”, (with Andrew Hughes Hallett) Journal of Macroeconomics, Vol 44, pp82-97, 2015.
“Synchronicity Assessment using a Non-Parametric Dynamic Dissimilarity Measure”, (with Christopher Trombley) in Webber, C., Marwan, N., Riley, M. and Giuliani, A. (eds), Translational Recurrences: From Mathematical Theory to Real-World Applications, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics, pp187-210, 2014.
“The Great Moderation Under the Microscope: Decomposition of Macroeconomic Cycles in US and UK Aggregate Demand”, (with Andrew Hughes Hallett) in Gallegati, M. and Semmler, W. (eds), Wavelet Applications in Economics and Finance: Essays in Honor of James Ramsey, Series: Dynamic Modeling and Econometrics in Economics and Finance, Vol 20, Springer, pp47-71, 2014.
“A Note on How to Resolve the Euro Area Crisis”, Europe Institute Journal, University of Auckland, NZ, Vol.7 no.1 (December), 2013
“How do you make a Time Series Sing like a Choir? Extracting Embedded Frequencies from Economic and Financial Time Series using Empirical Mode Decomposition”, Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics, Vol 16, No.5, article 4, 2013
“China and the Dollar: An Optimum Currency Area View”, (with Chee-Heong Quah), Prague Economic Papers, Vol 4, 2012.
“An Analysis of the Embedded Frequency Content of Macroeconomic Indicators and their Counterparts using the Hilbert-Huang Transform”, (with Tony Schildt), Journal of Business Cycle Measurement and Analysis, Vol 4, No. 1, pp1-31, 2012.
“Which Country Should be the Monetary Anchor for East Asia: the US, Japan, or China?”, (with Chee-Heong Quah), Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, Volume 17, No.1, pp94-112, 2012.
“Measuring the Intermittent Synchronicity of Macroeconomic Growth in Europe”, (with Aaron Schultz), International Journal of Chaos and Bifurcation, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp1215-1231, 2011.
“Monetary Integration in East Asia: A Hierarchical Clustering Approach”, (with Chee-Heong Quah), International Finance, Vol 13, No 2, pp283-309, 2010.
“Monetary anchor for East Asia: Japan or United States?”, (with Chee-Heong Quah), African Journal of Business Management, Vol 4, No 6, pp1048-1058, 2010.
“A Reconsideration of the Great Depression”, (with Chee-Heong Quah), South Asian Journal of Management, Vol 16, No 3, pp7-23, 2009.
“The Implication of Regional Integration for Globalization: Introduction”, (with Sven Arndt and David Mayes), North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol 20, No 2, pp83-90, 2009.
“How fused is the euro area core? An evaluation of growth cycle co-movement and synchronization using wavelet analysis” (with David Mayes), Journal of Business Cycle Measurement and Analysis, Vol 1, pp76-114, 2008.
“Analyzing Convergence and Synchronicity of Business and Growth Cycles in the Euro Area using Cross Recurrence Plots”, European Physical Journal D: Special Topics, Vol 164, pp67-91, 2008.
"A guide to wavelets for economists", Journal of Economic Surveys, Vol 21, No 2, pp207-267, 2007
"Is there a logical integration sequence after EMU?", Journal of Economic Integration, Vol 21, No. 1, pp1-20, March 2006.
"Differences in the euro area: a wavelet approach" (with Mayes, D.), Bank of Finland Bulletin, 4/2005, pp21-35. Available free online. Contains view of potential policy implications of my wavelet research.
“Apples and Oranges : The Habilitation of Continental Comparativism”, in Crowley , P., Crossing the Atlantic: Comparing the European Union and Canada, Ashgate, Aldershot , UK , August, 2004. Review of the volume available at http://www.europeananalysis.com/articles/0511-Stokenberga.pdf
“A Comparative Analysis of Environmental Policy in the EU and NAFTA” (with Jozwiak, J.), in Crowley , P., Crossing the Atlantic: Comparing the European Union and Canada, Ashgate, Aldershot , UK , August, 2004.
“Exchange Rate Arrangements in NAFTA: Do we need an exchange rate mechanism” (with Rowley, J.R.), in Crowley , P., Crossing the Atlantic: Comparing the European Union and Canada, Ashgate, Aldershot , UK, August, 2004.
“A Single Currency for NAFTA?”, in Rugman, Alan (ed), North American Economic and Financial Integration, Elsevier, Oxford, UK, 2004, pp153-174.
Crossing the Atlantic: Comparing Canada with the European Union (Edited Volume), Ashgate, Aldershot , UK , September 2004.
“Exchange Rate Volatility and Foreign Investment: International Evidence” (with Jim Lee) International Trade Journal, 17(3), Fall 2003, 227-252.
“Capitalism and Accounting Reform”, (with Valrie Chambers) SAM Advanced Management Journal, 68(3), Summer 2003, pp44-55.
“Exchange Rate Arrangements for NAFTA” (with Rowley, R.), The International Trade Journal, Vol XVI, No 4, pp413-451, 2002. Uncorrected pre-publication version available here
Before and Beyond EMU (Edited Volume), Routledge, London , UK , June 2002.
"The Stability and Growth Pact: Review, Alternatives and Legal Aspects", Current Politics and Economics of Europe, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp225-244, 2002.
"International Implications of EMU", in Crowley, P. (ed.), Before and Beyond EMU, London, UK: Routledge, pp113-130, 2002.
"European Integration after EMU: What next?", in Crowley, P. (ed.), Before and Beyond EMU, London, UK: Routledge, pp157-180, 2002. This was a previous version of "Is there a logical integration sequence after EMU?", published in 2006.
"World Money: Consolidation, Competition and Separation: What Does the Future Hold?", with Rowley, R. in Kintis, N., Koveos, P., Paraskevlopoulos, C. and Baltas, N., Money and Finance in the Global Economy: Challenges and Opportunities for the 21st Century, Toronto, Canada: APF Press, pp12-31
"The Shape of Things to Come: The EU's Post-EMU Institutional Architecture" in Verdun, A. (ed.), The Euro: European Integration Theory and Economic and Monetary Union. Boulder, CO: Rowman and Littlefield, pp165-176, 2002.
"The Institutional Implications of EMU", Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol 39, No. 3, pp385-404, September 2001.
"Battle of the Giants? The International Monetary System Post-EMU: Some thoughts and observations", with Rowley, R., in Paraskevopoulos, C., Kintis, A. and Georgakopoulos, T. (eds.), Global Financial Markets and Economic Development, pp45-62, APF Press, Toronto, Canada, 2000.
"European Integration and Monetary Unification: Configurations, Fiscal and Monetary Policy Design and Institutional Development", with Rowley, R., Journal of European Integration, Vol XXI, No. 3, pp203-229, 1998.
"Configurations and Prospects for European Integration and Monetary Unification", with Rowley, R., in Paraskevopoulos, C. (ed.), European Union at the Crossroads: A Critical Analysis of Monetary Union and Enlargement, Studies in Economic Transformation and Public Policy Series, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 1998.
"Regional Integration in Europe" in Boyd, G and Rugman, A. (eds.), Euro-Pacific Investment and Trade, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, U.K., pp159-190, 1997.
"EMU, Maastricht and the 1996 IGC", Contemporary Economic Policy, Vol XIV, No 2, pp41-55, April 1996.
"Flaws and Omissions in the Maastricht Process for European Integration", with Rowley, R. in Paraskevopoulos, C., Grinspun, R. and Eaton, G. (eds.), Economic Integration and Public Policy in the European Union, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, U.K., pp21-32, 1996.
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