ECON2301 Links
As noted in class, you are encouraged to let me know of additional websites that you have tracked down that you think the class might find interesting.
Class links
BB9 link Turnitin.com link
Internet Sources
The internet hosts a mixture of both reputable and unreputable sources of information. Below are listed some media sources for information for the course that are reputable, plus other useful official web sites.
General info media web pages The Dismal Scientist www.dismal.com Financial Times of London www.ft.com The Economist www.economist.com Wall Street Journal www.wsj.com New York Times www.nytimes.com Christian Science Monitor www.csmonitor.com CNN www.cnn.com BBC news.bbc.co.uk Time www.time.com/time Marketplace (NPR) www.marketplace.org US web pages Bureau of Economic Analysis www.bea.doc.gov Economic Report of the President w3.access.gpo.gov/eop Federal Reserve Board www.federalreserve.gov Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas www.dallasfed.org International organizations OECD www.oecd.org IMF www.imf.org BIS www.bis.org WTO www.wto.org World Bank www.worldbank.org EU www.europa.eu.int Selected central banks ECB www.ecb.int Bank of England www.bankofengland.co.uk Bank of Canada www.bank-banque-canada.ca Bank of Japan www.boj.or.jp/en/index.htm Bundesbank www.bundesbank.de/index_e.html Banque de France www.banque-france.fr/index.htm Banco do Mexico www.banxico.org.mx
Other fun links
Jokes about economists www.etla.fi/pkm/JokEc/
Wallace and Gromit www.aardman.com/wallaceandgromit/index.shtml